Hey, you are pregnant! You are having a new human inside your body. I know this amazing soothing pleasant you cannot describe in a word. Only a pregnant woman knows the beauty of the pregnancy period.
Moreover, being pregnant you need to be more responsible for the betterment of your upcoming baby as well as for avoiding difficulties during delivery.
When a women get confirmation that she is pregnant then her joy knows no bounds. Hence, in that case, make your own routine of everything that you might need to be doing during pregnancy as well as after the birth of a child.
Here are presented the Do’s and Don’ts during a pregnant woman should follow-
Let’s jump over the discussion without much ado:
Do’s Activities During Pregnancy:
Do Take Multi-Vitamin Daily:
During pregnancy, the diet should be controlled and re menu. But the only diet cannot enrich the nutrients that require during pregnancy for you and your growing baby. It’s better to have prenatal multivitamin at least one daily. Multivitamin contains folic acid, calcium, and iron in high level which are very necessary for the expecting mother.
The omega 3 fats DHA, EPA both are very crucial for the upcoming baby’s overall health & mental development as well as avoiding birth defects. Talk with your doctor for the best suggestion of multivitamin for you.
Do Sleep For A Long Time:
Pregnancy period is a time of anxiety, expectation, and changes in hormone level. It is common to see that women get much tensed especially in the final trimester of pregnancy. That is why a woman does not get proper sleep during pregnancy.
Make a schedule of daily sleeping and stick to it till the last moment. Sleep whenever you feel fatigue. Your body needs rest. Try to sleep at least 9-10 hours each day.
Do Physical Exercise Regularly:
There was a myth that exercising during pregnancy can be harmful to the mother and the baby too. But, the doctor suggests that doing such regular exercise can save you from many different difficulties. For instances- Insomnia, body pain, weight gain.
Again, you will be in a refreshing mood all the time. Talk to the health care provider about the fitness routine and guide for the betterment of your growing baby and safe delivery. If you do regular exercise daily then continue it with a bit of adjustment of Doc’s suggestion else make a new routine of fitness training.
Do Keep Away From Radiation Prone Area:
During your maternity period, it’s good to keep yourself away from prone arena or radiation extract devices. Though, the chances are very low to get affected through a massive exploration of radiation nowadays. However, you should be a concern for you and your baby. If you want to know the details of the radiation problem during pregnancy you can go there for deep information.
Do Eat Sea Foods:
Seafood is full of nutrients (vitamin & minerals). So, having a good amount of seafood would be good for you as well as your baby’s health. But, keep in mind; seafood carries a high level of harmful bacteria and viruses. So, eating raw seafood can be a detriment for your health. Hence, before eating cooked it very well.
It highly recommends avoiding raw fish or fish which contain a large amount of mercury. Like – shark, king mackerel, swordfish, and tile fish.
Eat Over 2-3 Hours:
During pregnancy, it is highly recommended to eat frequently. Break the routine of dieting in pregnancy period and get the suggestion from your Doc about your diet.
Do Observe Your Baby’s Movement:
Baby’s movement refers to kicking, rolling, swish, flutter as well as known fatal movement. From week 24 get start to monitor your baby’s movement.
Sometimes you may observe that the movement on 16 weeks but the common frame is 18 to 24 week the movement id the sign is baby is doing well in the mommy’s womb.
The movement increase in order to the pregnancy progress. If something unnatural happens don’t hesitate to seek help from maternity Doc.
Do Take Your Vaccination On Time:
During pregnancy, two types of vaccination should be taken for the betterment of the mother’s health as well as the baby. One is the whooping cough vaccine another is flu vaccine. The whooping vaccine is best to boost your antibodies. The best time to get the whooping cough vaccine is from 16 to 32 weeks of maternity period.
Obviously, take the flu vaccine in pregnancy. It can be very risky even deadly. If you affected by flu virus it might cause harm to your baby also. Taking the flu vaccine also save your baby from influenza.
Do Care Your Mental Soothing:
It is very common in pregnancy that women get depressed, anxiety, and negative thinking. Talk to your health care provider about your concern. In every 5 women, 1 gets to develop their mental health after birth.
Talk with experienced mother about your problem; get busy with reading books, cooking or hangout. Being active and fresh mood is all the way good for the mother as well as the baby.
Do Have Sex:
You are allowed to do sex until your water breaks or you do not have any complication like placenta previa and else risk. Counsel with your doc about the sex time and complication if you face any problem. You can try a new position while having sex for comfort.
Do Increase Weigh in a Pro Way:
During the first trimester a woman need 100 calories per day extra for the baby support. And, it goes to 300 calories per day by the third trimester. Hence, it means, you need to eat more not whatever you get. Gaining overweight in pregnancy can caused difficulties in delivery.
There was a myth that you need to eat for two when you conceive a baby. Now, the doctor says gaining pounds of weight during pregnancy cause health problems.
Do Visit Dentist:
Try to clean your teeth at least one time daily during your maternity period. Keep in mind; fewer bacteria from your mouth keep you away from risk during delivery.
Drink Enough Water:
Drink enough water daily in order to keep yourself hydrated. Get a 60-65 ounce bottle and make it empty by the end of the day.
Do Counsel With Your Doc’s Regularly:
It is obvious to keeping contact with the health professional regularly. Whatever the problem is do not hesitate to talk with or seek help instantly. Get the contact number if possible so that anytime you can contact them while you need them.
Don’ts Activities During Pregnancy:
Don’t Smoke And Drink Alcohol:
If you have the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol then immediately stop it. Your smoking during pregnancy means to smoke baby as well. In a physiologic nicotine addiction baby born from a smoky mother tend to smoke at an earlier age.
Plus, drinking alcohol leads you to face Fatal Alcohol Syndrome such as- premature born, low birth weight, birth defects, miscarriage, behavior problems, learning disabilities and so on.
Don’t Eat Deli Meat & Raw Meat:
During pregnancy, you should keep yourself away from any bacteria and viruses that could be harmful both you & your baby. Deli meats and raw meat- such as smoked salmon, hot dogs, sausages, cured meats, eggs, and uncooked meats contain bacteria and viruses.
It might cause listeriosis, foodborne and toxoplasmosis illness. Before having this cooks it thoroughly in order to reduce the risk.
Don’t Drink Too Much Caffeine:
Do not drink 1 or 2 cups more caffeine per day. It might increase the heart rate of your baby. it would be great to avoid caffeine during pregnancy for both baby and mamas.
Don’t Play Any Injury Prone Game:
There are several indoor games you can play while pregnancy. You must avoid the game that needs more energy and prone to injury. Such games are- Rugby, Diving in the sea, and Jumping.
Don’t Get On Hot Tub Or Sauna:
During the first trimester, it is very risky to get on a hot tub or sauna. It might cause birth defects as well as miscarriages.
Final Words
Now we are at the end of the article. To conclude I would like to tell you that always get connection with Doc’s over phone or personally.